
Showing posts from July 9, 2017

Planner DIY!

I was walking through target this weekend and found a new agenda binder that I liked (my planner is looking a little beat up). I had the planner in the cart and then had a thought. I have a ton of contact paper from Dollar Tree at home so why not try to update my planner with that and if  it doesn't work then I can go back to target. Here is the before. I removed everything from the inside including the taped down envelope. The supplies I used for this project other than my planner was contact paper from Dollar Tree, scissors, a marker, index card, hot glue gun, a bone folder, adhesive Velcro, and envelopes. Next, I laid out the contact paper and measured and cut. I slowly pulled back the contact paper and used the bone fold to place it smoothly on the planner. Be sure to have the book closed while spreading the contact paper over the spine so that there is enough contact paper space to allow the book to shut. On the inside, I folded over the e