
Showing posts from February 4, 2018

2018 Reading List

I know I know, I have been missing in action again and this post is almost two months late but better late then never.  Two of my New Year goals are reading for 45 minutes a day and reading at least 12 books for the year. In order to stick to this goal, I like to make a list of books that I plan to read for the year. Since I have so many thrifted books, the majority of my list will be books that I have thrifted and want to tackle. I have another goal for myself to not buy any more books until I have read a chunk of what I already have. I am going to share my book list with you in case you want to join me in reading them. I will post on my instagram (thrivingthrifts06) which book I am tackling for the month. Now, the first three books on the list I have already started and finished since I am posting this two months late. This is a general list of all thrifted or gifted books. The order it is in doesn't mean that is the order I am going to read them in for the year. The list